Restaurar compras / Minha compra não foi habilitada
If you purchased a plan and it was not activated, or if you no longer see your subscription, follow this guide to restore it.
Subscriptions on the Android app
Subscriptions on the Android app are managed by Google and are bound to your Google account.
To restore your purchases, try to refresh them:
in the Android app, go to the User page and press the circular arrow on the top menu.
If the problem persists, contact us from the app's Settings page, Support section.
Remember to indicate the Google account used for the purchase if it is different from the email you're writing from.
Subscriptions on the iOS app
Subscriptions on the iOS app are managed by Apple and are bound to your Apple account.
To restore your purchases, try to refresh them:
in the iOS app, go to the User page and press the circular arrow on the top menu.
Try also to use the "Restore purchases" button on the Store page within the app.
If the problem persists, contact us from the app's Settings page, Support section.
Forward us also the email you received from Apple after the purchase. (We need the "Order id" in the email received from Apple)
Web app subscriptions
Contact us to restore your plan at "" using your Fast Budget account email.
Attach the invoice we sent you after the purchase.