Administre suas viagens
There are three ways to track your trips. You can choose the method you prefer. Using a main category This is the suggested method. Use the Trips main category. If it's missing, you can generate it. Under this main category, create all the subcategories related to a trip: plane, insurance, hotel, food, and so on. Pro: you will be able to search in the transactions page by this main category. By filtering by this main category, you will see a pie chart or a summary in the right tab of the Summary page. Cons: you will have to filter the various reports by date in order to identify the travel period. You will also have some duplicate subcategories, such as "food". (The one under Trips and the normal one) Using a note Insert the same initial, or final, note in all transactions related to a trip. Eg: "Rome 2024". To speed up the insertion, you can use a transaction template with that note. Pro: you will be able to search in the transactions page for this note. Cons: you won't be able to plot a chart or see the total for each category. Using a hidden account For each trip, create a new account and mark it as hidden. (Use the swith under the account name) Enter your travel-related transactions into this account. Then, using the "duplicate" function, duplicate the transaction in the real associated account, like your wallet or card. At the end of the trip, you can "archive" this account. Pro: this is the method that gives you more freedom regarding search and charts options. Cons: each transaction must be duplicated. If you travel a lot, you will have a lot of accounts.