Rastreie os investimentos
You can track the investments you have made over time in just a few steps. 1 - Create an account called "Investments" and enter the value of the shares, bonds or funds you hold as the initial value. 2 - Set the account as "hidden" using the switch under the account name. (Pro version required) 3 - When you invest, create a transfer between accounts from the account where the money comes from to the "Investments" account. 4 - Create any coupons or dividends in the account where the money is paid. 5 - When you divest money or redeem a position, create a transfer between accounts from the "Investments" account to the destination account. If you get a profit or a loss for an investment, create a transaction in the "Investments" account equal to the difference between (3) and (5). If you want to see the progress of an investment we recommend that you save a code in the notes of all associated movements. You can then filter the transactions by the "notes" field.